Pricing is the single lever that companies can pull to have the largest impact on the bottom line. No wonder Warren Buffett advised investors by saying, “The single most important decision in evaluating a business is pricing power.”¹ Pricing includes but is not limited to:

  • Breadth and depth of features included in the offer (i.e., packaging)
  • How the offer compares to similar offers in one’s portfolio (e.g., good, better, best)
  • Add-ons, services, or accessories available with offer
  • Purchasing unit(s) of the offer (i.e., pricing metric(s))
  • Size of the offer (i.e., unit increments)
  • How the offer can be purchased (i.e., buying model)
  • Who can purchase the offer (i.e., pricing discrimination)
  • Quantity limitations behind the offer (i.e., min/max)
  • If and how the offer is bundled (e.g., airline tickets, happy meal)
  • How the offer is discounted (e.g., volume, term, payment type)
  • Value of the offer against its alternatives (i.e., differentiation) 
  • Price points (e.g., List price, partner price, end-user price, etc.)
  • Sales/Partner incentives (e.g., multipliers, deal score, channel discount, rebates, etc.)
  • And so much more… 

It is with this multiplicity of components that OpenView found pricing changes leading to +26% in ARR and +8% in NDR and McKinsey & Company can claim “pricing [is] the next frontier in private equity value creation” because collectively it is “by far the biggest tool for earning improvement.”²,³

At Risecor, we are true to the holistic perspective of pricing. Through our vast experience of working as pricing experts for a breadth of enterprises, we know firsthand providing a client with one aspect of pricing is insufficient. All components of pricing must be decided synergistically to be more effective to a company’s brand and bottom line. It is no coincidence that CEOs have confessed “the moment you make a mistake in pricing, you’re eating into your reputation and your profits.”​ This is further verified by OpenView which found that pricing changes are 460% more effective when done correctly with dedicated analysis like Risecor services.4

Our holistic perspective of pricing includes four categories of work (Framework) through seven main stages of production (Methodology) to provide our clients with the information and recommendations to make the best pricing decisions.​


Our structure of pricing strategy consulting is centered around value-based pricing which most find simple to understand but harder to execute. Regardless, our ultimate goal is to make your offers be perceived with a significantly higher differential value compared to their alternatives. Value in this regard means the perceived economical, psychological, mental and physical benefits one receives from an offer minus the perceived price one must pay for that offer. ​

The starting point for this perception is always the best alternative. If you needed to travel 75 miles, you would not compare renting a car to riding a bike, rather you would compare it to the best alternative—which in this case may be another car rental option like Turo, or using Uber, or a taxi. Also, it needs to be the perceived comparison instead of just actual. For instance, there may be Apple iPods that perform in audio statistics very similarly to a no-name brand’s wireless earphones, however, the perception of benefits is drastically different. ​

In consequence, we need to understand and calculate the difference between the total perceived differential benefits and the total perceived differential price of your offers against their alternatives.​

Differential Value = Differential
Benefits – Differential Price

(source: Pricing Done Right by Tim J. Smith)

To do this, we may need to change your offer’s features/support or price to, respectively, further increase the perceived benefit differential and decrease the perceived price differential thus increasing the overall perceived value differential against the best alternative. ​

‘Change’ could mean decreasing or increasing features/support or price. With some rare exceptions, the only reason we would decrease the features and price would be if we added another offer with increased features and price thus allowing you to target another segment with higher value needs and thus willingness-to-pay.​

To execute this approach, it is imperative to draw data from both internal and external sources (RisecorDiscovery™), analyze that data to determine useable insights (RisecorAnalysis™), use those insights along with experience and creativity to create a pricing strategy plan (RisecorStrategy™), and then guide your team through the agreed upon plan to realize return on your investment in Risecor (RisecorExecute™).


Current State Discovery to develop a complete understanding of the existing state, which includes background and roadmap, of your products or service offerings in the market.​​

Oftentimes, there is more to the story than what the data is showing. There may have been changes in management, customers, partners, alliances, suppliers, marketing, products, pricing or the market that shine more light on what research needs to be done or decisions should be made with the new data. We may discover the reasons things have been done historically no longer apply. This stage is not to be taken lightly as it could be the difference between okay and exceptional pricing.

Value to Customer to conclude who your preferred customers are, how they are segmented, and what they truly value in your offer to prefer it over its alternatives.

Sometimes clients are selling the wrong offers to the right customers or vise versa. This often compromises margins via excessive discounting. Larry Best says it best, “Anyone can sell a Mercedes for the price of a Hyundai.” The key is to ensure you are selling the right (i.e., desired) offerings to the right (i.e., profitable) customers. This includes understanding that some customers may not be profitable and therefore should be sold something different or nothing at all.

Competitive Landscape to understand the alternatives, what differentiates our client’s offer from them, and how that differentiation is valued by the preferred customer(s).

One of the worst things clients can do is fail to grasp how their offer faces against the competition. There may be some significant positive or negative differentiators of your offer. Competitive intelligence turns all findings into ammunition for your sales team to use when customers demand discounts. This will help them to talk less about price and more about differentiated value. We can further expound upon this with optimized discount management.

Packaging to determine how your products or services will be offered in the market (e.g., features, tiers, support, buying model, bundles, add-ons, licensing, etc.)

During this stage, you may ask yourself these types of questions: 

  • Perhaps you shouldn’t be offering the limited version as it is cannibalizing sales from the standard version which is twice the price? 
  • Perhaps you need to include one more feature in the better version offer to make it viable? 
  • Perhaps you need to charge per 10 concurrent users per year rather than per GB per month? 
  • Perhaps you need to have a superior offer to drive the buying behavior more towards the mid-tier offer? 
  • Perhaps you should only offer this limited offer via a monthly subscription with overage? 

We discover these and many other insights from the customers themselves through both qualitative and quantitative study.

Pricing to calculate optimal pricing for finalized offers to achieve company objectives (e.g., revenue, ARR, EBIDTA, market share, etc.).

You may find yourself wanting to increase the offer price x% without realizing the additional churn that would more than cancel out the potential benefits. The demand curve is real and price points need to be adjusted to maximize revenue, ARR, EBIDTA, or market share. This stage uses customers, competitors, and historic data to maximize accuracy and confidence. 

Final Recommendation to produce a comprehensive summary of findings, pricing and packaging recommendation with net impact as well as KPIs to measure success.

Although self explanatory, the summary of findings helps you to understand how Risecor arrived at the final recommendation. It’s also imperative for your company to measure the success.

Implementation to effectively execute the agreed upon pricing and packaging plans by working with Rev Ops and other necessary teams.

This turns the vision or into a reality. Sometimes team members run into issues or questions along the execution path. Risecor will be with you and provide unique guidance to any and every situation to ensure you can fully recognize your return on investment in pricing both short- and long-term.



  • Summary Report of Findings
  • Scope of Project




  • Packaging Survey
  • Finalize Packaging
  • Pricing Hypothesis



  • Final Recommendation
  • Net Impact Analysis
  • KPIs to Measure Success


  • Execution Plan & Guidance
  • Sales Enablement
  • Customer Comms

“Pricing [is] the next frontier in private equity value creation” and “by far the biggest tool for earnings improvement.”

‒McKinsey & Company, 2019


Risecor has pulled together a unique team of Certified Pricing Professionals (CPPs) with a breadth of experience and expertise working with SaaS, Service, Franchise, and Manufacturing companies. Each of our SMEs has brought significant impacts, lasting results, and are well known in the pricing strategy space.


Managing Director, Pricing Strategy Practice

As a Certified Pricing Professional (CPP) with an MBA and over 20 years of experience, Austin provides pricing, packaging, and monetization strategy for both enterprises and SMBs. His expertise includes B2B SaaS, offer creation, portfolio design, pricing metrics, licensing, discounting, promos, migrations, competitive intelligence, and feature value, value comparison, and transactional analyses.

Global SaaS solutions for both B2B direct and B2B partner led routes to market.







Mrs. Fields/TCBY


SaaS and Technology Pricing SME

As a Certified Pricing Professional (CPP) with over 20 years of software experience, Ryan provides pricing strategy and product marketing expertise for business-to-business (B2B) software and technology companies. This includes offer creation, portfolio design, tiering, price optimization, market research, competitive intelligence, customer segmentation, price sensitivity analysis, and pricing organization.

Offer design, packaging, pricing, terms, unit economics, market sizing, competitor intelligence, buyer personas informed through qualitative and quantitative research









Omatic Software




Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions



Pricing Strategy SME

With over 20 years of direct pricing experience, Adrienne uses best practices in pricing strategy and optimization to maximize the product ROI for manufacturing and distribution firms. Her prior experience includes pricing leadership roles for Fortune 500 and consultant roles for pricing consulting firms. On the side, she has taught Professional Pricing Society courses.

Pricing Segmentation Strategy & Value Based Pricing

Strategic Pricing Analytics

Lean Proces and Organizational Design

Competitive Intelligence

Pricing Policy & Contract Design

Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures

Private Equity Owned Biomedical Device Contract Manufacturer

Private Equity Owned Packaging Distributor

Private Equity Owned Fastener Manufacturer

National Brand Restaurant Franchise 

Fortune 500 Office Products Retailer

Fortune 500 Manufacturing and Distribution Conglomerate

Private Equity Owned Technology Product and Service Company

Private Equity Owned Food Industry SaaS Company 


Pricing Strategy SME

With over 30 years of experience leading strategic pricing as an internal or external consultant for Fortune 500 companies, Shad specializes in data-driving decision making who thinks in Excel and speaks in PowerPoint. He has deep experience in financial modeling, strategic planning, transactional analyses, mergers and acquisitions, and elasticity.

Strategic Pricing

Corporate Finance



Data-driven decision making

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning


Circle K




Booz Allen Hamilton


Pricing & Analytics SME

As a Certified Pricing Professional (CPP) with over 20 years of experience, Nick specializes in using disparate data sets and linking them together to paint a more accurate financial picture to leadership for better decision making. For multiple organizations, he has held roles in FP&A, operations management, data analytics and strategic pricing.

SaaS Pricing and Packaging Strategy,

Market & Customer Segmentation

Usage-Profit Analysis

Competitive Analysis


Private Equity Firms

Micro-cap and Small-Cap SaaS companies


Business Intelligence Analyst

Meticulous Business Intelligence Analyst highly skilled at using Business Intelligence software to create exceptional communications, visualizations, spreadsheets, and presentations to provide business solutions while meeting diverse administrative needs. Collaborates with cross-functional teams, synthesizes data learnings into a compelling story, and takes complete ownership of reports and their workspaces, including advanced security controls. Experienced in utilizing data transformation tools for deploying and managing complex SQL models on large-scale enterprise cloud solutions. Dedicated to maximizing customer satisfaction and exceeding business objectives with an organized approach and clear, strong communication.

Higher Education

Professional Training and Certification

Business Intelligence Software

Toyota Motors North America

Imagine Learning



+150% Growth in <2 Years

SaaS Address Verification



Utah, USA


  • Growing at ~40% per year and was on track to hit $10M ARR 
  • Had profitably bootstrapped from creation
  • Never strategically reviewed packaging and pricing nor optimized pricing


  • No premium offer to capture enterprises’ higher WTP
  • Not monetizing differentiated values in the market that carried with them higher WTP
  • No tiering or bundling of offers—only volume-based pricing


  • Introduced two new tiers sets (business and enterprises) with 3 offers differentiated by features, intensity of features, volume of units, and availability of add-ons
  • Optimized pricing for both tiers sets and add-ons to influence higher price point
  • Trained team on value proposition and discounting strategy/tactic for enterprises


  • Packaging (i.e., offer creation and tiering design) are just as important as optimizing pricing. 
  • Even high growth companies can perform better—especially with enterprise customers.
  • Often there are value drivers and differentiators that should be monetized but aren’t. 


  • Increased ARR +150% from ~$10M to +$25M after 22 mo
  • Increased enterprise customers’ average deal size by +200%
  • Increased business customers’ average deal size by +40%


+$32M in Annual Margin Growth

Pharmaceutical Distributor

$300M (focused business unit)

$145M (focused business unit)

Ohio, USA

• Declining stock price and stagnant growth on profitable generics business
• Large portfolio of products with limited team to manage prices

• No systemic process in place to actively manage long-tail of products
• High margin variation and leakage across product portfolio
• Complex rebates & off-invoice adjustments complicates net profitability

• Optimized portfolio mix to increase sales on high margin products and removed products with low margins
• Incorporated rebate forecasts into price setting to eliminate negative margin deals
• Segmented long-tail products and set floor margins to maximize profitability and reduce variation

• Companies have significant flexibility to drive price-growth on long-tail products
• It is difficult to avoid negative margin deals without a holistic picture on total deal profitability


  • Increased revenue and margins by $32M
  • 263% margin growth on long-tail products
  • Eliminated $1M/month in unprofitable deals​​


Increased Margin By $2.3M

IT Managed Service Provider



Maine, USA


  • Portco not seeing the expected value after multiple acquisitions
  • Margins falling and customer service lagging
  • Customer and staff churn


  • Lack of integration and a proliferation of SKUs hid true costs making it difficult to measure or manage customer and product profitability  
  • Product were not based on trackable units; bundles were not scalable; cost+ pricing


  • Standardized the offer and decreased  the SKU count by 40% driving lower vendor costs, increased cost visibility, and increased service levels
  • Provided pricing benchmarks (Hi-Median-Lo) from industry leading sources focused on mid to large competitors providing insight into pricing opportunities


  • A perceived ‘pricing problem’ may be a symptom of deeper problems that need to be scoped
  • Integrating a company well includes aligning product and pricing strategies


  • Increased margin $2.3M in Y1 and estimated $3-5M in Y2 by reducing vendor costs and cost visibility
  • Increased gross margin by using data-informed pricing strategy
  • Establish foundation on which to achieve scalable growth objectives


1: FCIC Interview with Warren Buffett. May 26, 2010.

2: 2022 OpenView SaaS Benchmarks Report.

​3: McKinsey & Company. Pricing: The next frontier of value creation in private equity. October 21, 2019.

​4: 2022 OpenView SaaS Benchmarks Report.